Faith is a basic law or truth similar to the well-known laws of nature, such as the law of gravity. It is a universal principle. It is necessary to understand the meaning of the terms …
The Law of Cause and Effect – Create the Life you Want to Live
“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause;everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a namefor Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation,but nothing escapes the Law.”–The Kybalion. The law …
Understanding the Esoteric Meaning of Major Arcana (IV-VII)
This is the second article in our series about the esoteric meaning of the Major Arcana. In this article, we will examine cards IV-VII. The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, and The Chariot. If you …
Description and interpretation of 4 Plates By Manly P. Hall
Manly P. Hall is one of my favorites writers. During my study of his writings, I found some very interesting plates, full of occult symbols, with description and interpretation by him. I thought that every …
Maat’s “Feather of Truth” and The 42 Negative Confessions
The 42 Negative Confessions of Maat or 42 Declaration of Innocence are part of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. According to Egyptian funerary beliefs, judgment after death was a process the deceased had to …
The Law of Gender – The Process of Creation in all Planes
“Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”–The Kybalion. The Law of Gender is the final of the 7 Hermetic laws. The Law of Gender applies to …
The Hermetic Law of Mentalism – Learn the Basic Structure of Your Life
“The ALL is Mind, everything is mental.” The Kybalion The first of the Seven Hermetic Laws states that the universe is mental. This means that the reality we live in comes about as a direct …
Understanding the Esoteric Meaning of Major Arcana (0-III)
Tarot is a very old system of esoteric knowledge developed over the centuries in secret Mystery schools and esoteric organizations. The Major Arcana is a set of 22 tarot cards that are considered the core …
Burning Words, Healing Bodies: How Medieval England Used Written Words to Heal
In medieval England, words held a significance far beyond simple communication. They were seen as vessels of power, capable of influencing the physical and spiritual realms. This belief was especially prevalent in the context of …
Sigil Magick – How to Create and Charge your Sigil
In modern times sigils are used as a method that makes your intention become a reality. A sigil is charged with the will of its creator. You can transform, your desired outcome, from words or …