The medieval age spans the period from the 5th Century to the 15th Century. At the start of it, Christianity had just survived a period of persecution. It became the official religion of the Roman …
The 8 Major Annual Wiccan Holidays (Sabbats)
Have you ever heard of Wiccan Holidays or the Sabbats? If not, then you will be forgiven…After all, isn’t there such a flurry of holidays nowadays it’s hard to keep tabs? It’s no secret that …
Yule -The Pagan Celebration of Winter Solstice That Inspired Modern Christmas
As it is practiced now, Christianity is quite different from its practice as a fledgling religion surrounded by established pagan and cultural practices going back several centuries. It is, therefore, inevitable that in its growth, …
Lammas (Lughnasadh) – the Pagan Festival for the First Harvest
Lammas, which is also called Lughnasad or Lughnassadh, is a celebration of the start of the harvest. It is especially a time to honor the first wheat or corn crop. Grain has been an important …
Beltane ‘Fires of Bel’ – The Celtic “May Day” festival at the beginning of Summer
When you think about May Day in modern times, your first thoughts are on the International Workers’ Day holiday. However, long before the labor movement, May Day was an important festival that different cultures in …
Ostara – The Pagan Celebration of the Spring Equinox
Ostara is the pagan name for the Spring Equinox period when both day and night are equal. The spring equinox was celebrated in many ancient cultures as a time for rebirth and a crucial period …
Imbolc – The Festival of Brigid that Marks the Beginning of Spring
The beginning of spring is a special time to celebrate the end of the harsh winter weather and the return of sunshine and warmer days. Ancient cultures worldwide had festivals that marked this period, and …
Comprehensive Guide To Wiccan Origins And Beliefs
When most people hear about Wicca, they think of witches and evil witchcraft practices and think of it as an occult group full of secret rituals. Thanks to the depiction in pop culture and historical …
Most Commonly Practiced Branches of Wicca
Wicca religion traces its origin from ancient witchcraft cults and pagan practices going as far back as before Christianity. It is a neopagan religion present in many countries, especially English-speaking ones. It rose in public …
How to Celebrate Samhain (or Halloween) – Traditions and Symbols
This is the second part of our article about Samhain, in which we will look at how to celebrate Samhain (or Halloween) in traditional and modern ways, and its magical correspondences. If you want to …
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