This article is separated into two parts for the reader’s convenience. In part one, we deal with the beliefs, origins, and history of Samhain; its connection to Halloween; similarities; and differences. In part two, we …
Mabon – The Pagan Celebration of the Autumn Equinox (History, Celebration, Symbols, Correspondences)
Mabon, the second of three harvest festivals, falls on the Autumn Equinox (Lammas, Mabon, and Samhain). At Mabon, days and nights are of equal length, just like they are at Ostara, the opposite side of …
Litha – The Midsummer Sabbat to Celebrate the Power of the Sun
Litha, or the Midsummer sabbat, is celebrated as a lesser sabbat in modern paganism and also one of the main fire festivals in the Celtic calendar. It is celebrated around June 21st, usually falling on …
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