We have suspected for centuries that our thoughts and emotions can actually produce energy that can affect reality and matters. Quite recently, a study from Standford University finally confirmed this idea. According to the study, …

How to Focus on Your Goals and Avoid Distractions
Everyone has goals that they want to achieve. However, learning how to stay focused on your goals and avoid distractions is more important than setting goals. Because you can set as many goals as you want, but …
Benefits of Grounding Yourself and Effective Techniques to Do It.
Everything contained in the universe, you included, has a charge attached to it. The building blocks of all matter go back to atoms. That essentially means that you and a block of wood, or even …
Litha – The Midsummer Sabbat to Celebrate the Power of the Sun
Litha, or the Midsummer sabbat, is celebrated as a lesser sabbat in modern paganism and also one of the main fire festivals in the Celtic calendar. It is celebrated around June 21st, usually falling on …