One thing that has always amazed me is how some people always accomplish what they set out to do. They’re not necessarily smarter, richer, or even physically stronger than I am, yet they consistently achieve their goals no matter how difficult they are.
What do these people do differently? Have they cracked the code and figured out how to achieve their goals no matter what it takes?
Believe it or not, the formula for achieving goals is the same for everyone. These hyper-successful people don’t do anything different. They have just perfected sticking to the same formula that brings results.
That goal-achieving formula is what we’ll talk about in this article. By the end of it, you will know precisely what it takes to achieve a goal, plus you will get a few tips on how to increase your chances of success with whatever goal you set for yourself.
Visualize Your Goal
By far, the most important aspect of goal-setting is visualization. You can’t work towards a goal that is undefined or vague. You need to state, write, and record what your goal is. Don’t spare any details. It needs to be crystal clear so that you know exactly what you’ll gain in exchange for your blood, sweat, and tears when you start working towards it.

How do you go about visualizing your goals?
- With a vision board
A vision board is an ultimate roadmap for goals and desires. It includes images of what you desire most, quotes that motivate you, and everything else that pertains to your goal.
You need a vision board to be your daily reminder of why you work so hard in the first place. As the name suggests, a vision board must be highly visual. It should be able to motivate you at a glance, which is why pictures are essential.
A vision board must contain all your goals in detail. When you look at it, you should feel motivated and see where your efforts will ultimately lead.
Having a vision board should not be optional if you’re serious about your success. It helps you visualize your goal and the process it may take to achieve them, so it is vital for success.
Check out these vivid and compelling visualization videos, reinforced with subliminal affirmations for great results! – Opens in new tab
- By writing them down
Alternatively, you can crystallize your goals by writing them down. You see, before you put pen to paper, your goals are just wishes. As long as they remain wishes and desires, you’re not likely to make any serious progress towards achieving them.
That’s why you need to make them real by writing them down. Goals that are written down are ten times more achievable than goals that are just thought about.
The reason is, once you write down your goals, they become real. You’ve breathed them into existence, so they’re no longer just intangible wishes; they’re now detailed goals you can work towards.
Once you know exactly what you want to achieve, you can move on to the next step.
Plan to Achieve Goals
You won’t be able to achieve anything without a plan. That’s just the reality of how the world works. Anything worthwhile takes tons of initial planning, followed by relentless hard work. So, after figuring out what you want to achieve, whether it is losing weight, getting a promotion, or buying a home, you need to make a plan.
A plan is simply step-by-step guidance towards your goals. Planning well can mean a world of difference when chasing goals, just like a lack of planning can kill your progress even before you begin.

How can you plan the right way to achieve your goals?
- Set deadlines
One effective way to plan is to set deadlines for your goals. When you give yourself finite periods to achieve milestones, you will be more driven to work as you are aware that time is running out.
Having tangible deadlines will push you to work when you need to. In contrast, if your goals lack specific deadlines, there won’t be any sense of urgency attached to achieving them, so that progress will be painfully slow.
- Create time for your goals
Most of us lead very busy lives, but so do people who consistently achieve their goals. The only difference is that they always dedicate time to work on their goals.
For example, a person that wants to lose 100lbs by the end of the year may set aside mornings for a quick run or a visit to the gym. A person that’s looking to buy a house may set aside an extra $1,000 every month for that cause.
What I’m saying is, if you want something, you need to be willing to sacrifice your time to get it. You can’t achieve anything without sacrifice. That’s why planning is so important. You need to ensure that every day you do a little more to get closer to your goals. It doesn’t matter how little you do—just create time and dedicate it to activities that help you progress.
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Work Hard to Achieve your Goals
Working hard is an inevitability when you want to achieve something. No amount of visualization and planning can get you to your goals unless you put in a lot of effort as well.
Working hard doesn’t necessarily mean exerting a great deal of effort. It means putting in a consistent amount of effort regularly, no matter the circumstances.
At the beginning of your journey, you will be very motivated to work day and night to achieve your goals. That will change as days turn into weeks and weeks into months. Your willpower will gradually drop, and so will your motivation.
Part of this can be resolved by a vision board and a clear strategy, but for the most part, you will need to learn how to work even when it’s the last thing that you want to do.
The work that you do when you don’t want to is actually what counts as hard work. That’s because you’re fighting your own emotions, feelings, exhaustion, and doubt to focus on making your dreams come true.
So, before you embark on any goal-achieving journey, ask yourself:
- Will I be willing to work on this goal after a hard day at work?
- Will I be willing to keep going after I get terrible news?
- Will I still want to work on this goal after a major disappointment?
Everyone can work well under good conditions. However, those that keep plugging on when the odds are against them ultimately achieve all the goals.
Related Reading: How Do My Thoughts, Beliefs, and Actions Affect My Outcomes? – Opens in new tab.
Build and Maintain Momentum to Accomplish Your Goals
There is a trick to avoiding hard work—or at least making it feel less like hard work—and that is building momentum.
What is momentum?
Momentum is gained when you work on your goals continuously without easing up or stopping. If you go to the gym for five days in a row, you’re less likely to skip day six. But if you go for four days and skip day five, then you’ll find it incredibly hard to go on day six.
That’s why maintaining momentum is so important when it comes to achieving your goals. The moment you let yourself relax, you lose momentum, and you have to start all over again. An object in motion stays in motion, but it takes a great deal of effort to get a stationary object moving. That’s basic physics.
Related reading: How to Focus on Your Goals and Avoid Distractions – Opens in new tab
Review your Goal Regularly
You shouldn’t expect to set your goals and forget about them, no. You need to continually update and review them to match your progress, work-rate, and any new developments that come along the way.
It’s foolish to think that you’ll be the same person you are today after five years. Similarly, you can’t expect your goals to remain entirely the same. Even if they do, they will change slightly as you embark on your progress and realize your abilities.
That’s why it is essential to review your goals at least once a week. By reviewing your goals regularly, you will:
- Understand when to switch tactics and when to double-down on your current strategy
- Learn how much faster or slower your progress has been
- Incorporate new methods that will help you achieve your goals faster
- Know which aspects of your goal you need to achieve first
- Know when to stop and head back to square one
Don’t assume that you will want the same things you want now. Keep reviewing your goals as you progress to learn how to achieve them in the shortest time possible.
Tips to Achieve your Goals
So far, we’ve covered the only formula you need to achieve your goals successfully. If you follow it, then you can achieve any goals you set for yourself.
However, you might still fall victim to some of the most common pitfalls when it comes to goal-getting. Self-doubt, impatience, and inflexibility are three common obstacles that stop people from achieving their goals. If you allow either of them to creep in, then you’ll certainly fail.
For that reason, I have compiled the following tips to help you achieve your goals no matter what you desire most.
1. Be Patient
Patience really pays in the grand scheme of things. That’s because most methods don’t work overnight. Whether it is weight loss, financial independence, or even familial achievements you’re after, then you have to practice patience.
Patience comes in handy because it helps you stick to what you know works even when it doesn’t seem to be working at all. Think about it; if you want to lose weight, you have to keep working out daily even if you’re not getting visible results.
Quitting only means that you’ll never get there, so you must be patient and persevere through the first few days, which are often the hardest.
Related reading: Scientific Studies on Positive Thinking – Opens in new tab.
2. Trust the Process
You know the formula, and you’ve gotten the execution down pat. What’s left is to trust that the process works, especially when it seems to be doing the opposite.
Every journey to success starts with a very rough and unpleasant path. If people gave up at the start, then we’d have very few success stories to speak of. You need to have faith that the process works. You need to believe in yourself and trust that what you’re doing will eventually give you the results that you want.
Those who feel inclined to switch strategies every few weeks because they feel like they need something more effective often waste a lot of time and gain nothing in return.
The process might feel slow and challenging, but it always works for those who stick to it, so it will absolutely work for you if you stick to it.

3. Be Flexible About your Methods
They say that to succeed in anything; you have to be firm about your goals but flexible about your methods. There is so much truth in that statement.
You shouldn’t be willing to give up your goals for any reason whatsoever. However, you should be very flexible about how you get to your goals.
That’s because situations and circumstances change. The methods you started out with may not be as effective two months from now, and if you don’t change to better methods, then your progress will grind to a halt.
Don’t be shy about exploring new ways to achieve your goal. It is actually what separates the high-achievers from everyone else. High-achievers use everything in their arsenal to accomplish their goals, whether that means learning new techniques or adopting strange but effective methods.
4. Anticipate and Accept Failure
Failure can be a blow to the gut and a significant obstacle towards achieving your goals. It is wise to expect and accept failure as part of your journey to success. Don’t fight it, and don’t run away from it. Accept it.
Every successful person knows failure at a personal level. They’ve experienced it, dealt with it, and overcome it. They understand that without it, there is no progress.
You should have a similar attitude towards failure. It is not the enemy; it is a learning opportunity. That brings us to the final tip.
5. Learn from your Mistakes
When you make a mistake–and you will make a ton of them in your journey—use them as guidance. Pick them apart to see where you went wrong, and learn how to avoid making the same mistake in future.
That’s the beauty of mistakes—they show us what not to do. The more mistakes you make, the closer you get to the right path. Don’t hide from your mistakes. Embrace them.
If you want to learn more about Subconscious Reprogramming and the Manifestation process. Check out my suggestions on manifestation courses and books. – Opens in new tab
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