How to Write A Letter from The Future to Your Present?

How to Write A Letter from The Future to Your Present?

In Mind Science by Chris A. Parker

“Tell Me, and I Forget; Teach Me and I May Remember; Involve Me, and I Learn.”

Benjamin Franklin

This is a powerful quote that is often taken for granted. Its power comes from learning the need to be involved in a project or task to succeed.

The more involved you are in a project, the more effort you’ll put towards seeing it succeeds. The opposite is also true; the more disengaged you are in a task, the less attention, and effort you drive towards it.

But, have you ever taken time to think just how broad the application of this one notion is? What if this is the key to being successful in anything your heart desires?

One of the simplest yet effective ways to get yourself to do something new is by writing a letter to yourself but form the future. At hearing this, most people ask, “how can I send a letter from my future self to my present self?”

And while they would be right to ask that, writing a letter from your future self to the present self is a manifestation technique that has proved successful as it is bizarre.

How exactly does a letter from your future self-help you? More importantly, how can you use this information to better your life?

What is the letter from your future self-technique?

How cool would it be if you actually received a letter from yourself in the future? What if you could warn yourself from making mistakes, keep yourself from getting addicted, motivate yourself to stay focused?

All this sounds like works of science fiction. However, that could not be further from the truth; if anything, this technique has scientific and academic backing.

No, you don’t need a time machine to receive a letter from your future self. If anything, you can receive or even write the letter to yourself.

Writing a letter from the future to the present you is a matter of projection. For example, what is the one goal you have been hoping to accomplish, but you’ve had little-to-no luck? You can use this manifestation technique to help you surpass doubt and fear and ultimately achieve your objective.

If you want to learn more about Subconscious Reprogramming and the Manifestation process. Check out my suggestions on manifestation courses and books. – Opens in new tab

What’s the importance of writing a letter from your future self?

There’s always an end goal when it comes to manifestation. Rarely you do something just for the sake of it. Even that which seems of little significance can greatly impact your life.

the importance of writing a letter from your future self
Image by Bruno Germany from Pixabay

With this in mind, you can clearly look at and understand the importance of writing a letter to yourself from the future.

  • You show gratitude over what you have

Ever so easy is it to forget all the things that are working for you. However, with a latter form the future, you’ll appreciate that which you have and better utilize it to realize your goals. Showing gratitude has been linked with reduced stress and anxiety.

Additionally, when you are writing a letter from the future’s perspective, it’s easier to see what you have and how best you can use specific resources to achieve your goals.

Related reading: Positive Effects of Gratitude on the Brain and BodyOpens in new tab.

  • You become more self-aware.

Have you ever gone back to your old Facebook posts from a few years ago? If your experience is similar to most people, you cringe at the old posts.

This is because you now know better, and from the growth, your thoughts, decisions, and executions have changed. You can get the same result from writing a letter to yourself from the past.

When writing the future letter, you’ll open your mind to the different paths you can follow to achieve your dreams. Additionally, you’ll be aware of both self and external skills to help you get there faster.

  • You create your own future.

“Where do you see yourself in five years?”

This was a common interview question designed to lead you into critical thought concerning your future. While the question is not as common today, it’s importance should not be understated.

From a future perspective, seeing yourself will bring up all those burning questions on what you’d like to achieve. Afterward, you can chart a clear path on how to build the future you’d like to be a part of.

How do you write a letter to yourself?

After seeing the benefits of this manifestation technique, you may be wondering how you can write a letter from your future self to your present self.

The exercise, while relatively simple, can be highly effective. When going about with the manifestation exercise, remember to be genuine and vulnerable to yourself throughout. Only then can you achieve your desired objectives.

steps to writing a letter from your future to your present
Image by Felix Lichtenfeld from Pixabay

Here are the steps to writing a letter from your future to your present.

1. Come up with a future date –This will help remind you that you’re working within a limited timeframe. Your date can be as soon or as far as you’d like, just make sure the goal is feasible.

2. Address the essential questions – Remember to succeed at this exercise, you must observe authenticity. Some of the questions you’ll honestly want to address include;

  • Who do you want to be?
  • Where do you want to be on the set date?
  • What do you need to do in order to accomplish your goals?
  • Who should witness your triumph over the set goals?
  • What will help you get to your dreams faster?
  • What stumbling blocks and distractions should you avoid?

3. Review the letter – After drafting the letter, give yourself a couple of day’s rest. Go back to the letter, reviewing the information and timelines are accurate. You can also inform someone to help keep you on track.

4. Send the letter – Now all you have left is to send and receive the letter. You can mail it or just keep it till the date you’d like to open it.

Future letter to yourself example

Here’s an example of a letter written form the future for the present.

Dear Winner,
Hey! They say it always seems impossible until it is done. Today, you have proven the truth in this.
I’m writing to you from four months into the future, and you’ve just landed the job of your dreams.
When you open this letter, it will be a week since you received the interview invitation email.
You may think you have time between then and the interview, but the truth is, if you don’t start preparing, you could end up losing on the job.
Not to worry, though, I can confirm you got the job, and your office is terrific. Now you just have to start prepping.
You’ll also need to clear some time from your schedule so you can get to study for the interview. This means reducing the time you spend on your phone and watching movies.
Once you’re done prepping, you should also get a professional’s opinion on your interview skills.
You can do this! One step at a time.

Related reading: Scripting: How to Manifest Anything by WritingOpens in new tab

Stay in Touch

Featured Image by hudsoncrafted from Pixabay

Cris Parker

Chris A. Parker

Since 1998, researcher and blogger in practical occultism and Mind-science, who believes that the best way to predict the future is to create it…twitter-logofacebook-logoreddit-logo