Man’s attachments hind him to the physical world like the Lilliputians hound Gulliver in the ancient story until he is hopelessly involved with material unrealities. Of all the things that hamper his usefulness in this …

Unlock Your Inner Power: The Powerful Combination of Meditation and Visualization
Imagine a practice that cultivates inner peace while planting the seeds for your goals. That’s the magic of combining meditation and visualization. Meditation, the art of quieting the mind, becomes the fertile ground where visualization, …
The Law of Polarity and How to Use it at your Advantage.
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all …
Learn How to Not Overthink Everything in 5 Easy Steps
Should I wake up now or give myself 30 more minutes? Did I answer the questions correctly? How will my presentation go? These are all thoughts that cloud our minds during the day. Thinking is …
Mindful Listening: Upgrade Your Communication Skills
Listening isn’t just about hearing sounds; it’s about engaging with what’s being said. In our fast-paced world, we often mix up hearing with listening. Hearing is passive, while listening requires active participation. Why is this …
Occult Q&A By Manly P. Hall
This is a collection of questions and answers by Manly P. Hall as published in the “All-seeing Eye” magazine at the beginning of the 20th century. ♦ If this article resonates with you, please join our …
6 Helpful Tips on How to Relax Your Mind and Body from Anxiety
What do you do when you’re feeling cold? You likely put on a sweater. The solution to feeling cold is a simple one. Some feelings, however, do not have an easy fix remedy. Anxiety is …
Dealing With a Wandering Mind During Meditation
Welcome to the journey of meditation, where the mind wanders as freely as the wind. If you’ve ever found yourself lost in thought during meditation, you’re not alone. The path to inner peace is often …
Vibrational Frequency of Thoughts and Emotions
We have suspected for centuries that our thoughts and emotions can actually produce energy that can affect reality and matters. Quite recently, a study from Standford University finally confirmed this idea. According to the study, …
How to Focus on Your Goals and Avoid Distractions
Everyone has goals that they want to achieve. However, learning how to stay focused on your goals and avoid distractions is more important than setting goals. Because you can set as many goals as you want, but …