Man’s attachments hind him to the physical world like the Lilliputians hound Gulliver in the ancient story until he is hopelessly involved with material unrealities. Of all the things that hamper his usefulness in this …
The Law of Polarity and How to Use it at your Advantage.
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all …
Occult Q&A By Manly P. Hall
This is a collection of questions and answers by Manly P. Hall as published in the “All-seeing Eye” magazine at the beginning of the 20th century. ♦ If this article resonates with you, please join our …
The Magicians of Mesopotamia: Who They Were and What They Did
Magic has been a part of human civilization for thousands of years, existing at the crossroads of religion, science, and supernatural belief. In ancient Mesopotamia, magic was not seen as mere superstition but as a …
How to Create a Sacred Circle for Magical Purposes
One of the most often performed rites in the magical arts is the casting of a magickal circle. The act of constructing a circle for spellwork or ritual is known as “circle casting.” It’s an …
Unlocking the Secrets of the Ankh ☥: How this Ancient Egyptian Symbol Continues to Inspire and Intrigue Today
The Ankh ☥ is a potent symbol that has been utilized for ages in many different nations, religions, and traditions. Ankh has a unique shape that looks like a cross with a loop at the …
The Origins and Orders of Demonic Spirits
What exactly are demons? What relationship do they have with evil human thoughts? What is the distinction between demons and satans? What are the orders of these spirits? We attempt to answer these concerns using …
The Law of Vibration and How to Manipulate it
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”–The Kybalion The universe is made up of laws cleverly named “Universal Laws” (Read: The Seven Hermetic Principles). These laws never fail or waver. If you understand these laws, you …
Are You Dreaming? Dive into the Science & Secrets of Dreams
Dreams are a common aspect of human experience and have existed since the dawn of humanity. People have been wondering what dreams mean for hundreds of years. Early civilizations regarded them as a conduit between …
Medieval Persecution of Magic – The Inquisition and the inquisitor’s profile
Magic of the demonic and natural sort alike has been a favorite subject of Christian authors of earlier times onto the medieval theologians that came after them. Those who practiced magic would gradually fall under …