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Magick through History

In Magick by Chris A. Parker

The fact that Magick is alive through the ages is remarkable. Magick has been used throughout history, in attempts to heal or harm others, to influence the weather or crops, and as part of religious …

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Church Versus Magic in The Early Middle Ages

In Magick by Chris A. Parker

In medieval times, the Church held massive influence in the affairs of the state and the people’s lives. In many instances, it held power equal to the governments and royalty. While the general populace might …

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Tables of Magickal Correspondences

In Magick by Chris A. Parker

Here we have collected the most common tables of correspondences. In particular, we deal with tables of correspondences about Colors, Herbs and Plants, Moon Phases, Days of the week, Incense, Essential oils and Runes.

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Magick – Definition and Etymology

In Magick by Chris A. Parker

The ability to think seems to set us apart from other creatures. And although we are concerned with living in the physical world, we are mental beings. The fact is we are thinking all the …

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Everything You Need to Know About Burning Sage

In Magick by Chris A. Parker

Smudging is the act of burning plant material for use in a purification ritual. With smudging sage, several varieties of sage, primarily white sage, are burnt, and the smoke is used for purification. When smudging …

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Magic in Islam During Middle Ages

In Magick by Chris A. Parker

Magical practices still exist today throughout the Muslim world, as in the Middle Ages. They still arouse much interest. Their history is also closely linked to the development of science, Sufism, and Islamic mysticism. The …

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Amulets and Talismans-Differences and Similarities

In Magick by Chris A. Parker

Since the beginning of human civilization, the man was looking for objects with supernormal abilities that would help him as offering protection, bringing luck, wealth, cure of illness and generally achieving goals and realization of …